Episode 110: Rachel Moore - Collaborative Divorce Attorney

This week on Inside the Skev we are joined by Rachel Moore. Rachel is a Collaborative Divorce Institute Fellow and has a private practice devoted exclusively to collaborative law, facilitative mediation, and representing parties utilizing mediation.  A collaborative process divorce provides an alternative process to litigation. Rachel is based in Skokie. 

Prior to starting her own practice in 2013, Rachel worked in family law for five years and served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Illinois for eight years. As an attorney, Rachel advocated for hundreds of individual clients and always sought to find creative ways to help people resolve conflicts. An accomplished litigator, Rachel successfully practiced in federal and state court and before administrative tribunals. Rachel now also knows the power of using mediation models to achieve more creative, cost effective, and detailed outcomes. With an understanding of the human dynamic behind every conflict, Rachel hears her clients’ goals and concerns and empowers them to reach successful resolutions.

Learn more at: https://rachelmoorelaw.com

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Episode 111: Mark George - Music Institute of Chicago


Episode 109: John Hewko-CEO of Rotary International