Episode 33: Juliana Taimoorazy-Iraqi Christian Relief Council and the Philos Project

This week on, “Inside the Skev,” we sit down with Juliana Taimoorazy. Juliana is the Founder and President of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council, a Senior Fellow at the Philos Project and a Skokie resident. We discuss what is currently happening in Iraq and Syria, Juliana’s journey from Iran to the United States and her connection to the Assyrian community in Skokie and Chicago.

The Iraqi Christian Relief Council exists to support, protect, and defend persecuted Assyrian, Syriacs, and Chaldean Christians in Iraq and other countries in the Middle East by providing emergency humanitarian aid, prayer support, and advocacy. Juliana started the organization in 2007. More information can be found on their website at https://www.iraqichristianrelief.org/

The Philos Project is a dynamic leadership community dedicated to promoting positive Christian engagement in the Middle East. This community is centered on a growing network of city-based chapters located in North America and around the world. More information can be found on their website at https://philosproject.org/

Juliana will be leading a prayer vigil for the people of Iraq and the Middle East on Wednesday October 9th at 6PM at Notre Dame High School at 7655 W Dempster Street, Niles, IL 60714.

Please share this episode and tag @Jtaimoorazy @iraqichristian @philosproject @StateDept @UNWatch @UN@UNHumanRights @PrevGenocide #iraq #iraqi #assyrian #skokie @USCIRF#help_iraq_now #help_iraq #saveiraq#iraqrevolution#standwithiraq #iraq #refugees

I’d like to thank several people for help with today’s show. This includes my real estate brokerage, Dreamtown Realty in Evanston for helping me with my graphics for the show. And if you have interest in buying or selling real estate, email me at aaron@skevanston.com or go to my real estate website at http://www.aaronmasliansky.com And don’t forget to subscribe! Thank you.


Episode 34: Khemarey Khoeun and Punisa Pov-Skokie Park District and the National Cambodian Heritage Museum & Killing Fields Memorial


Episode 32: Sean Simpson-Lanzatech